sunnuntai 23. syyskuuta 2012

A very quick overnighter at Mt. Paloheinä 30.8.2012

As my family was out of town I had a time for a midweek overnighter. Only problem was that I had to be at work 7am the next morning. I have had an idea to sleep on top of Mt. Paloheinä so I went for that.

Mt Paloheinä is situated at the northern part of Helsinki in the heart of our central park which is a neat forest corridor straight from the city central to the northern parts. Mt. Paloheinä is a nice hill with some good views but is actually an old landfill although nicely landscaped. Well it does bring some variation to our flat scenery.

At thursday evening after work I took a nap and started packing, didn't need much just a couple of pieces bred, some cheese and of course two pints of lager. I started pedaling around 8.00 pm and about an hour later I was at Paloheinä just a bit too late to miss the sunset from the top. I looked around for a suitable dry and flat spot to put my sleeping mat where I would be hidden from the passer bys. I didn't really find one so I just spread my gear at the "second peak", the lookout spot. There are some quite popular jogging trails around Paloheinä but only a few people were jogging up the slope and no one came to the lookout spot so I was on my own. I laid in my sleeping bag looking at the airplanes passing by and even some stars through the light pollution from the city. I slowly sipped beer and fell to sleep around midnight.
This trip was not a photofest just this one pic. I'll try to be more active in the future.. promise!

The next morning I had an alarm at 6am and it was really humid. The morning dew was everywhere
but not luckily through my sleeping bag. I had a bivybag with me but didn't bother to use it. But no harm done anyway. I ate my bread and rode to work, maybe a ten minutes ride. Good part about this trip is that I got to sleep half an hour longer if I had ridden from home.  

4 kommenttia:

  1. Hyvä raportti, varsinkin kun olen itse ehkä menossa sinnepäin pian, kunhan olisi pari päivää kohtalainen keli eikä töissä liikaa kriisejä.

  2. Vau, ensimmäinen kommentti! Kiitos palautteesta. Toi järviylänkö on kyllä tutustumisen arvoinen. Varsinkin väli poronpolku- isomelkutin. Melkuttimelta liesjärvelle päin vaikuttaisi olevan ajokelvotonta. Liesjärven koilispuolella peukalolammin suunnalla arvelisin olevan taas hyvää neulasbaanaa.

  3. Jaha, kommenti meni väärän jutun alle, mutta ilmeisesti ymmärsit että puhuin järviylängöstä.

  4. Jep, arvelinki ettei paloheinän täyttömäki ole kellään retkilistan kärkipäässä :)
